Thursday, June 18, 2009

Storms, trains and smoke!

Today I got done everything that I needed to. In no real order I got the car inspected, got the plates put on it, did VBS shopping, do Roisin wedding shopping, did person shopping, returned some shorts, ate twizzlers, had a Oreo twisted frosty from Wendy's, dropped off VBS stuff to church, dropped off all 3 kids to 3 different houses, picked up 2 kids, made dinner, made another purse, played with Gabe and Sadie, watched TV, talked to Kal, prayed and now I am blogging at 11:45pm.
A storm came through and I was happy that we did not lose power. I hate when that happens because there are NO other lights back here and it is really dark. Gabe was terrified of the storm like always. I called Lilly at her friends to see if she was OK and she was. She was playing Guitar Hero and having too much fun to really notice.
Kal was on his way home from his UMM meeting when the storm hit. The rain was coming down so hard that he could see anything. He was going over the railroad tracks when he finally saw the lights flashing and the train was coming. He said that it was no more than 40 feet from him when he was crossing. That is scary to think about.
Then he was on Hosier Road and there was yellow smoke pouring across the road in little spurts. He had no idea what that was but he said that he didn't smell smoke so he was sure that it was not a fire.
I am getting ready to head to bed. Tomorrow I wanted to take the kids to the zoo but if it is all wet and nasty I am not sure that is going to happen. We will see. If there are pictures posted in the blog tomorrow evening it means that we made it there. This is going to be the last chance that we get to go to the zoo before we leave for our trip.
12 days and counting....I AM SO EXCITED!!

Wednesday, June 17, 2009


So I haven't posted in a long time because I have been crazy busy! Last week I had my leg in a knee immobilizer. Some how walking in Farm Fresh with the cereal I got a stabbing pain in my knee. That was on a Saturday. By Monday it didn't get any better. Kal took me to the Urgent Care and I had X-rays. They said that they were not sure what was wrong but they said that if I kept it in that for a week that it would most likely heal it up. So I did that. It was a pain and I relied on my GREAT FRIEND Jenn to help me get around to things that I needed to do like take the kids for their last week school and shopping. So during my week I was basically just laying there and I made a bunch of purses....they were fun to make and they filled the void. So here is a picture of the blue and white one that I made that has blue beads on it.

Then one of the days Gabe came to me and said that he wanted to use my "crochet hooker". He picked out yarn from the of course...and then sat there for almost 30 minutes trying so hard to crochet. Kal took this picture. I think that he is so sweet. I love how he sees what I do and wants to do it too. He is such a fantastic boy.
So then there was a day that Kal was mowing the lawn. Gabe was out there for an hour mowing with his lawn mower right along with him. It was the cutest thing. If they would pass each other Gabe would put his hands over his ears and then start mowing again.

The girls are done with school! Sadie ended up with 3 B's and 2 A's. We are so proud of her. She really worked hard and tried to put all that bulling behind her and she did an amazing job! Lilly of course ended with all A's. She didn't get anything less all year long. She is so smart. I am scared for her to get anything less than an A because I think that it might "kill" her. I know that 3rd grade is going to be a little harder for her but I know that she can do it!

This week has already been crazy busy with running around. Monday I went to my Prayer Shawl Ministry. Tuesday I went to the adoption attorney and got the consent form for Sadie's birth father to sign. Now when I am up in MN I will be meeting up with him to get him to sign it. My dad is going to be coming with me so that I resist the urge to tear out his eyes, snatch him bald (oh wait he already is) and kick him in the "boy parts". I swear if he gives me any trouble about this I am going to hurt him. Today I was taking my friend Connie around to get money and spend money...that is always fun! Tomorrow my friend Doris and I are going to be shopping for the VBS snacks. Friday I think that I am going to take the kids to the zoo. I know that my sister wants to go so I have to see if Friday is going to work for her...If not I will be going by myself with them...which is fine but it is always nice to have another adult. Saturday we are helping to finish decorating for VBS and Sunday VBS starts! It is all very exciting!

Well that is it for now. I am not sure when I am going to post again but I know that I will. I hope that everyone enjoys reading this blog and feel free to comment and leave feedback....I love comments!

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Wonderful Tuesday!

I had a great day today.  I know now that I wrote that, something is going to happen!  
This morning I woke up to Sadie having made me coffee.  I love that I taught them how to do it.  It is so exciting for them and I really enjoy not making it.  So she brought me in a cup of the coldest nasty smelling coffee.  She had used WAY TOO much creamer.  BUT I really loved the fact that she thought about me.  Then they all ate breakfast.  I ran by Jenn's house to get some sunscreen because she was closer than the store.  Lilly had a field day today and would be outside more than half of the day and she needed it.  I will be buying some before Thursday when Sadie has her field day.  I guess that we used it all last summer because I have none.  So I dropped them off at school after that and went back to Jenn's for coffee and crocheting.  At 11:00 Gabe and I left to go to a UMW meeting and lunch at one of the ladies houses.  That was so much fun.  We chatted and had good food and hung out and it was nice.  Then the meeting started and I just listened to everything.  They read that story about the holy quilt and it was sad, talked about all the upcoming events for them, and talked about everything that they will be doing in the fall.  Then I guess that they had taken up a special offering and they gave all of that money to Sadie for her adoption.  I was so touched that I cried.  It was such a blessing so I waited to deposit it until I picked up Sadie.  So I drove a friend to her truck and then ended up chatting with Jerry and Brenda for an hour until it was time to get the girls.  That was great.  I really enjoy the Sunday  night services and I told him that because he was in charge of them and they stopped, he appreciated what I said and is going to try to plan it for next Sunday.  I am so excited about that.  I picked up the girls and told Sadie that the UMW gave her money for the adoption and we were going to go and put it in her account.  She said "How much" and I said "$235.80" and she screamed and I thought that she was going to cry too.  We only need $416.00 more and I am hoping to have that before I leave to go to Minnesota so that I can get him to sign the papers.  I am going to ask the lawyer that I have if he will take a $250 deposit and give me the papers for him to sign and I will pay the rest when we get back from our vacation.  I figure that it never hurts to ask.  The worst that is going to happen is that he says no they need it all up front.  So we will see.  

So as I was typing this I had to stop because the kids were having WW3 in the house.  There has been screaming, hitting, kicking and peeing of the pants.  Mornings and nights when Kal is not here are the worst.  Right now they are eating so they are fairly quiet although the girls are debating something and Gabe is yelling at them about water so I guess it is not as good as I thought.

OH and I made a new rag quilt today that is black with blue, pink, yellow and purple butterflies with a yellow back. I will post pictures tomorrow after it is dried.  It is in the washer right now.  I was thinking about trying to sell it and using that money for the adoption too.  I told Kal that I was thinking about doing that.  Making things and selling them for Sadie.  It will help me to sew again and put more money in that account!

That is it for today.  My first post in June...go me!