A storm came through and I was happy that we did not lose power. I hate when that happens because there are NO other lights back here and it is really dark. Gabe was terrified of the storm like always. I called Lilly at her friends to see if she was OK and she was. She was playing Guitar Hero and having too much fun to really notice.
Kal was on his way home from his UMM meeting when the storm hit. The rain was coming down so hard that he could see anything. He was going over the railroad tracks when he finally saw the lights flashing and the train was coming. He said that it was no more than 40 feet from him when he was crossing. That is scary to think about.
Then he was on Hosier Road and there was yellow smoke pouring across the road in little spurts. He had no idea what that was but he said that he didn't smell smoke so he was sure that it was not a fire.
I am getting ready to head to bed. Tomorrow I wanted to take the kids to the zoo but if it is all wet and nasty I am not sure that is going to happen. We will see. If there are pictures posted in the blog tomorrow evening it means that we made it there. This is going to be the last chance that we get to go to the zoo before we leave for our trip.
12 days and counting....I AM SO EXCITED!!