And what am I doing???
Cleaning, breaking up fights and trying to stay sane!
Doesn't that all sound like fun. Well it is sort of. The kids have taken to putting a rubber snake in each others beds thinking that it is so funny.
Gabe is being mean. He just won't stop hitting and being a down right bully. He thinks that he can just bully his way into getting whatever it is that he wants. Soon he will learn that is not the way but until then I am at a complete loss as what to do. Any ideas out there?
Lilly is the same old Lilly. She doesn't speak to us very often and we have NO idea what is going on in her little world. On Wednesday I was in her class helping to teach the kids how to hand sew. That was an adventure. It was nice to see that she is shy there too, it made me feel like it was not just us.
Sadie is doing much better with her schooling. Kal had a nice little chat with her about what she needed to do or she was just going to have to go back to school where she did not want to be. She wants to get caught up and be where she should be before that happens but that attitude is hard to deal with at times. I am very happy that she is doing better.
Kal is good. He has yet to get a deer this year. I hope he does soon because they are running out of meat.
I am good. I am excited to get all my sewing stuff organized over this Christmas break so that I can sew some things. I have a few presents to make and I want to do them. Some people can not cook in a messy kitchen, well I can not sew in a messy sewing space. Kal and I are going to tackle that soon. First we need to get through tomorrow.
There are lots of gifts already under the tree from our wonderful families. They are all so thoughtful this time of year and I feel like a bum because I never do cards even. Maybe I will start next year with that. Who knows...I make no promises.
The kids are staying the night at Grandmas tomorrow and I am going to use that opportunity to mop....yes I said it...mop. I figure if I do it when they are gone, I am guaranteed at least 24 hours of a clean floor!
We are really missing Julia right now too. I wish that she could be here to have Christmas with. I never in my life thought that a 17 yr old girl from Germany could touch my life the way that she did. She is such an amazing child and a wonderful part of our little family.
Well that is all I have for now. I hope that everyone has a Wonderful Christmas!