Thursday, April 30, 2009

What I am thinking about....

So I thought that I would take the time to write out everything that is on my mind at this moment.
1.  I think that it is completely dumb to have a blog where you write that you think that your husband is cheating on you, yet you do nothing to find out if it is true.  All you do is complain.  I know that my husband is not cheating on me I know that if I thought that he was, I WOULD FIND OUT.  Venting about it is not going to do anything.
2.  Why would someone want to continue to have a relationship with someone that only ever  yells at you and your children.  Is that really the message that you want to give them?  That it is alright for the man of the house to scream about everything.  Seems fairly childish to me.
3.  I really hope that the money will be here to go on vacation this summer.  I really miss my family.  I talk to some of them regularly and others not so much.  I really miss them.  BUT with that being said I guess I do not miss them enough because I am not moving back to Minnesota.
4.  I think that I want to get the book "The Love Dare" just for fun.  Kal and I have a great marriage but I think that if we had somethings written out for us that we would be doing so many things  blind.  Marriage is work and I am grateful to have that job.
5.  God is awesome.
6.  I made a post today on a Christian Parenting board for the 1st time.  I was amazed at how much I opened up and as I was typing I realized something.  I am addicted to God.
7.  I love coffee in the afternoon.  I made some and I am really glad that I did.  I was going to take a nap but I decided that might not be a good idea since I am trying to get the girls to clean their room.  What would mommy be setting for an example if she was lazy and took a nap.  I think that I will just go to bed early.
8.  I have no idea what is for dinner.
9.  Kal and I talked last night about how great it will be to get Sadie away from everything here this summer.  
10.  I started writing my letter to the school board last night and got 6 pages written and decided that I am not sure what I should and should not write.
11.  I finally started telling my friends about my blog so I hope to have some followers soon. (Yes Deb you are the first BUT you also do not really have a name and no picture yet)
12.  I miss my dad.
13.  2 nights ago I asked my dad to tell my children "The Windego" story that he told me when I was young.  They really enjoyed that but it made me realize that my dad is so awesome and I miss him even more.
14.  I am blessed that I have great friends these days.  I really think that all the friends that I have right now are because God sent them to me.
15.  I totally can not figure out how to add pictures to my posts.  I would have loved to have added some so I think that I am going to figure that out later.
16.  Today I made 5 pairs of shorts.  4 for my friends daughter and 1 for Lilly.  I had Sadie try them on 1st and she hated them.  Lilly always loves the things that I make her but Sadie is now too big for that.  I think that if I let her pick out the fabric and pattern that she might let me.  I have so much fabric and I would much rather make some shorts than buy them.  I think that would be like wasting money.
17.  I keep having to remind myself that I need to wear my glasses.  I spent a lot of money on them and they need to be worn everyday.
18.  I was thinking that while I was on vacation this year that I would get a new tattoo.  I really want to get my children's names on me and I want them to write it.  I guess I should work on Gabriel writing his name.  I think that would just be awesome.
19.  I can not believe that I was thinking about all this stuff.
20.  Coffee is almost gone and I think I have a little more energy so I am going to try to pick up.

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Kal is on his way home!!

That is pretty exciting.  I know that he has only been gone since Monday but it is still hard not to miss him.  I really do.  I married him because I want to be with him so when he leaves me...even for a short amount of time it is hard on me.  Talk about co-dependent!  So I am waiting for him to get home so we can eat dinner and he can get this splinter out of the bottom of my foot that has been festering there since Monday afternoon.  I have tried to get it out and I can't.  So last night it was all swollen and red and tender so I decided that I would just add some antibiotic cream and a bandaid and maybe it would fall out.  Well I found the cream and NO BANDAIDS!  How can you not have bandaids when you have children...oh that's right, my children think that bandaids grow on trees and that they are fun to play with.  So I used an eye patch (not sure why I have those) and tape.  It worked but a bandaid would have been nice.  It still did not come out.  So that is that.  I will write more later because Kal just walked in the door and is unpacking the car!

Monday, April 27, 2009

Such a busy life!

It is not 10:23 pm and the house is quiet.  Kal is at his moms house.  The kids are finally asleep.  Today was an eventful day to say the least.  This morning Kal turned off his alarm so many times that he was late.  The girls were still sleeping.  We were really running behind.  I had to still pack for Kal to go to his moms for a few days.  It is just easier to have him there then to keep driving back and forth everyday.  It is going to save on gas.  So by the time he was getting ready to leave it was time to take the girls and I was not dressed and neither was Gabe.  We were really running behind.  So I asked him to just drop them off because that gave me an extra 1/2 hour to get my things together for my day.  Today was Monday and that is my favorite of all days.  I have the Prayer Shawl Ministeries in the morning.  It is wonderful and relaxing and I really enjoy it.  Gabe gets to run around with no one telling him to calm down.  Some times he really needs that.  So we eat lunch there and it is time to go home and I know that he is just tired.  So I decided to put of the little shopping I had to do until it was time to get the girls.  He took a nap when we got home and I talked on the phone and picked up and did laundry and all that good stuff.  I get him up and we go get the girls, go to Food Lion for some salad stuff because it is just too hot to cook.  We get home and while the girls are doing their homework Gabe and I retreated into my room to watch a little TV.  We also ate pudding and chips for a snack.  The girls got done with their home work and I had them help me get all their stuff out of the kitchen.  Then they all went out to play.  I went to call my dad because of all the stuff that was happening with Sadie and the new comment that was told to her today (did you know that all white people have either but apparently they do according to a parent of a child in Sadies class).  So as I was on the phone with him I look at Gabe and he takes a running start and jumps onto the swing with his belly and he was laughing.  Then he starts going backwards and his feet flipped over his head and he fell off and face planted right into the ground.  He bumped his forehead and all I could see was blood pouring out of his nose and mouth.  I said to my dad "I gotta go Gabe is bleeding all over the place." and hung up.  (I later called him and he said that it was like a flashback for him.)  So his nose stopped bleeding and so did his mouth but it was so swollen that I was worried that it was broken.  I was holding ice on it and he said that it was feeling all better.  He had stopped crying.  One of the girls ran to the neighbor and she came over.  She is an EMT and I think that she might even be a nurse.  Either way I trust her and I know that she knows what she is doing.   She did a little run through of him and told me that everything was fine.  I think that he might wake up with a little bit of a black eye but he seems fine now.  So they continue to play outside and I started on the salads for dinner.  I was just chopping away and the phone is always ringing.  Between Kal and my friends I am always on the phone.  So finally I am done and we all sit with the best salads ever and a half of a pear.  The kids ate at the table and I ate at the computer so that I didn't have to listen to them chew.  They are not cows by any means but I never sit with them because listening to other people eat makes me want to vomit.  So we all finish eating and the kids return to play outside.  At 745pm I tell them to come in for bed because it was getting late.  Lilly comes in and says "mommy I am itchy"  I look at her and she is covered in a rash.  It is all over her chest, her arms, her back, her butt and her privates.  I started to freak out.  I called Kal and he asked what I was doing to them as a joke.  Not funny.  So he suggested that she take a shower and see if that helps.  She gets out of the shower and it is worse than when she got in.  There  are more and they are just everywhere.  I was trying to figure out what to do with her and my sister called.  I decided to talk to her about my day while I was thinking about Lilly and what I was going to do.  This new clinic charges for after hour calls(I think) and I am not sure that they would even talk to me because she hasn't been seen there yet.  So I put some exzema cream on her and she said it hurt so I cleaned that off.  While I was thinking she started talking to my sister and they prayed together.  So I found some benydryl so I gave her 1/2 a pill and some calagel and she put socks on her hands.  At about 10 PM I finally got them all to bed.  That was hard.  I am so tired.  I am going to have to see how she is in the morning and call to make an appointment if I need it.  So I think that that about sums up my day today.  I miss Kal and I can not wait for him to be home later this week.  

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Bad day for Becca!

My day did not go like I wanted it to.  I got up this morning and got Gabe and I ready to go.  The girls stayed the night at a friends house because I had to be out the door before they had to be at school.  I dropped off a few forgotten things to the girls.  Went through the chick-fil-a drive thru for some much needed breakfast.  Gabe of course spilled everything that I gave him.  I get on the high way and decide to take a different route because I always here about how much traffic there is in the morning going through the downtown tunnel.  Well that did me no good.  There was a accident on the bridge on the other way.  It took me over a hour to get to Virginia Beach.  I hated that drive.  I think that is what set Gabe off for his horrible day.  We get to grandmas house and Gabe started screaming.  He screamed for 2 hours while I donated clothes to someone, the shutter guy came to check out the shutters and order new ones and while I painted the ceiling.  I was getting ready to do the cut ins and I got a horrible headache.  I said forget it we are going.  The whole time he was screaming that he wanted to go home.  I told him that we were leaving.  He said and I quote "Good I will be in the van" and he walked out the door.  I could not believe that.  I have no idea what was going on with him.  So we went to Kmart because there is a gun safe there that Kal wants.  The store is going out of business.  And it was like 40% off the other day and it was still over $200.  Today it was $191.  They have no combinations for it and there is no way to get it.  So we are going to go back this weekend because they are all done with the sales on Sunday and closing the doors and I think that he can get it for like $50.  I got a few other un needed things but stuff that I wanted.  The whole time that we were there Gabe was having a fit to.  Telling me that he was ready to leave and go home and "nuggle"  That is what he calls snuggling.  So now my headache is worse and I just want to crawl in a hole.  We get home and he is already asleep.  He fell asleep about 1100 and didn't get up until 230.  So we get the girls and come home and Lilly starts fighting with me.  She was just not happy because I went and bought her shoes in the size that she wears and they are a little too big.  If she wears socks with them they would be fine but Lilly is so picky that was not good enough for her.  I told her that if she was not going to be grateful for the shoes that I would be happy to find another little girl that wears a size 1 shoe that would be happy to have the Camp Rock shoes.  She stomped, screamed, growled and through her arms up in the air at me.  She had a total melt down.  I told her that was not ok and that she needed to go and do her homework.  She then thought that it would be a good idea to take something off her desk and throw it on the floor.  I told her to pick it up and she did and then threw it in her room and stomped back to her desk.  Looked and me and growled again.  That is when she got a pop on her butt.  She needed to get back in line and stop disrespecting her mother.  She did her homework with no issues.  Then she went over to the shoes, put them on and said sorry and thank you.  Then this evening I realized that I had a few things to finish sewing.  I have no bobbins!  Kal went to the store to get some.  He returns and I finish hemming a dress.  Then I go to do this embriordery and I can not find the material.  I FINALLY find it after about an hour and a half.  I start it and the stupid machine just breaks.  I rarely use it anymore because I feel like I have no time.  So now I am pissed and I just wanna cry.  I told my friend that I would have this in the morning and there is no way that is going to get done now.  I worked on it for over 30 minutes and I just can not plug anymore into it tonight.  The wedding that this was for is on Saturday and I am not sure that it is going to get done.  I feel so bad about it.  I just do not even know what to do.  So that is where I am at right now.  It was a bad day for Becca today!

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Oh all the things to do today

There is so much to do here at my mother in laws house.  We didn't get as much done today as we would have liked but Kal HAD to go to the TEA party today.  Don't get me wrong I have no problem with him going it is just that there was so much to do and he was not here.
So we woke up this morning and had breakfast.  Everyone but me had muffins.  I opted for a fried egg and toast.  I am just not a huge blueberry muffin fan like the rest of them.  Then before I knew it Kal was gone.  We finished scraping the paint off the doors, cleaned out the entertainment center, cleaned the fridge, vacuumed and other random things.  I managed to post the fridge on craigslist and someone actually came by to look at it.  She said she will be here tomorrow after work with the money so that turned out.  We also posted the entertainment center for free because it just needed to go.  It also was able to remind me that not all people are cool.  I had a no show and that is just annoying.  If you say that you are going to come get something then you should come and get it or at least call and say that you are unable to.  Otherwise it just makes you rude.  So a guy came for that at about 730.  Then we went to Kmart because it is closing and we thought that we could get a good deal on some of the things that we needed.  Thelma gave me a list of things to pick up before she went to a meeting or bible study.  I am not sure which one she went to.  Well they had nothing that we needed but Kal and I talked about going back tomorrow when he gets paid because there was some great deals on stuff.  Like jeans for him for only $8.  That is fantastic.  So I think we will see if she will watch the kids for a little bit tomorrow and head up there.  I got 6 pairs of socks there for $4.40....good deal.  Then we headed to Walmart to get all the stuff we needed.  We had to pick up a new air mattress because the one that we have used for the last 5 years finally died.  Kal and I woke up on the floor.  We went for the double high one because Thelma can use it to stage her house in one of the bedrooms when she sells it.  She is hoping to have it on the market in no more that 3 weeks.  We got a redbox movie so we are going to watch that.  I am about to hop in the shower because I smell after all the work I did today.  I am just grateful that we can all come here and help her complete these projects.  I know that Kal misses his mom sometimes.  I think more so when I am being lazy and do not feel like cleaning.  She is such a neat person.  So I am off to shower and watch a movie.  We have another long day of work tomorrow.  I think that we are going to finish the bathrooms and master bedroom tomorrow and maybe replace the hall lights.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Not getting things done.

I love my children.  I really do.  There is just something about them when they are home that makes it so I get nothing done.  I try and I feel like I am constantly doing the same thing over and over and over again.  I do not feel like I actually ever finish anything.  I have done dishes, laundry, picked up, and cleaned random things but I do not feel like anything is actually done.  I have decided that I am not going to my meeting tonight and that I am just going to head out to my mother in laws.  I am just too tired for everything else.

I feel like Tuesday should be my Monday

Yesterday I should have had the bad day but I didn't.  This morning was just dragging on.  Gabe got up early so Kal put on SpiderMan for him.  He was watching it when Kal got me up.  He didn't make coffee this morning but it was ok.  Gabe had some cereal.  I talked to my friend.  And then I had to rush out the door to get Gabe to the doctor for a shot.  He was angry about it but he was able to get over it quickly.  We went to pick up the girls.  I sat and chatted for a while and then we came home.  I am so tired.  I have to do laundry.  I have to pack for our week.  I have to figure out what I am going to pack.  We are going to be gone until Saturday so we need lots of stuff.

Well my coffee is gone so I need to get stuff together.

Monday, April 13, 2009

Monday Moans???

Usually I would be moaning that it is Monday but surprisingly I have no issues.  I didn't get a lot of sleep but for some reason I wasn't bothered by that.  Kal woke me up this morning and he even made coffee.  What a good man!  I got on the phone to talk to my friend like I do every morning.  That is just how I roll.  We have our best conversations in the morning while I drink my coffee and smoke and she drinks her tea and wishing that she still smoked.  I really like to start my day with a good friend.  I know that I have never met her in person and I knew her from online but I really feel like she is one of my best friends now.  I can not wait until I meet her in person.  We get along online and on the phone so I know that we will be fine in person.  Maybe this summer I can get up there to see her.  I think that we would have a blast.
I finished talking and the kids and I headed out the door to go to church for the prayer shawl ministery.  We have so much fun on Monday Mornings there.  We sit around and hang out and crochet and chat and remember that we are doing this for the Lord.  
So now I am making some mac and cheese and waiting for Kal to get home from work.  The girls are staying the night at a friends house and Gabe is napping.  I think that I am going to put on a movie and hang out with my crochet and have a nice evening!

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Happy Easter

What a wonderful day today is!  Jesus is alive.  It is such an amazing feeling to know the Lord.  

We went to Sunrise Service today at 630am and then had breakfast and stayed for the 10am service.  I was in Children's Church so I missed it but I heard that it was AMAZING!  We had dinner with the neighbors.  It was a great time to fellowship and I enjoyed it as did the entire family.  After that we went to go show Jesus' love and tried to help a friend with a car situation.  We were not much help.  She ended up having to have it towed so hopefully it will be repaired tomorrow.  We stopped to say hi to my sister and then took our friend to the store.

It is now 10pm and I have been up since 5am.  I promised the girls a movie so we are putting it on in our room and letting them sleep with us.  I have been promising them this movie for 2 weeks now and they made sure that they were going to watch it tonight no matter what.  If they fall asleep they will be in a bed.

That is it for now.  I am so tired I think I could sleep right here.  Tomorrow we are going to the church for my weekly prayer shawl ministeries.  This should be a fun day because usually it is just Gabe and maybe a few other children who are homeschooled but because of the holiday week there will be 10 children there tomorrow....wish us luck.  I am bring a movie and the kids will be quiet!

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Done with the Easter Eggs!!

Although I am now the BAD MOMMY because I didn't take any pictures we are all done dying our Easter eggs.  The girls have written a letter to the Easter bunny.  I keep wondering at what age they are going to stop believing.  I think that by us saying all the time "If you do not believe you will not recieve" has really stuck with them.  I am glad about that but I am really tired of the whole ordeal.  Holidays are so exhausting.

Fantastic Day with my kids!

We got up really early this morning and headed to the church.  The girls were in an Easter play called "Cross Purposes".  They did a wonderful job.  Gabe was supposed to join them for the singing but he just didn't want to.  He just sat at the table with his thumb in his mouth.  After the play we had a nice covered dish meal.  Lilly had even invited a friend from her school and he showed up with his entire family.  That was very sweet.  We really enjoyed having them come.  They might also come for church tomorrow for service.  God is great!  

We are going to be dying Easter eggs later.  The kids are very excited for that.  And then we will have dinner and the kids will watch a movie and then it is off to bed for us.  There is a sunrise service in the morning.  630 AM.  If God wants me there He will make sure that we are all awake and ready to go before that.  If not then we will just be there for breakfast and 10AM service!

Friday, April 10, 2009

I forgot something!

Happy Good Friday!

Remember that Jesus died for you today!  Think about how great it is going to be when you get to Heaven!

I wanna be a good blogger but I forget!

I think about sitting down and doing this all the time but I forget.  There are so many things going on in my life that this is not one of the important ones I guess.  I would like it to be.  I do get enjoyment out of writing about things that are going on even if no one is reading them.

So since the last time I posted...I have had strep, Gabe has had strep, and Lilly has had strep.  Kal got a tick bite and is on antibiotics for Lymes decease again!  I have been doing a lot of work up at my church.  Painting and fixing things and cleaning.  It is really great that I can help and I know that I am helping the Lord and that is even better.

There has been some things in my life that I have been dealing with recently.  I have lost a friend that is close to me.  No she didn't die.  She might as well have though.  I have no idea what happened but I know that she no longer wants to be my friend and that hurts.  She is not big enough of a person to say anything.  She would rather just complain about "taking applications" for a new best friend.  Well I wish her well in that.  I hope that she treats her new best friend better than her old best friend.

I have friends.  I have very good friends.  I have friends that I know that I can call on at any point in my life and they will be there for me and my family.  I have friends that I want them to call on me so that I can help them in anything that they need as well.  I have friends that do not expect anything in return but my friendship and I am the same way with them.  I have friends that really cared that my husband had to have a major operation and were truly concerned about him.  I have friends that called to see how "I" was doing during that time.  I have friends that lean on me for support for difficult things in their lives.  I have friends that I share everything with.  I have friends that I have things in common with.  AND most IMPORTANT about all these things about my friends...the one thing that we all have in common with eachother...Is that me and my friends...LOVE GOD.  We share something in that.  We know that He will always be there for us.  We know that we can always count on God for our every need.  We know that having someone ask us to choose between them and God...that person will not win.  

So that is all I am going to write tonight.