Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Bad day for Becca!

My day did not go like I wanted it to.  I got up this morning and got Gabe and I ready to go.  The girls stayed the night at a friends house because I had to be out the door before they had to be at school.  I dropped off a few forgotten things to the girls.  Went through the chick-fil-a drive thru for some much needed breakfast.  Gabe of course spilled everything that I gave him.  I get on the high way and decide to take a different route because I always here about how much traffic there is in the morning going through the downtown tunnel.  Well that did me no good.  There was a accident on the bridge on the other way.  It took me over a hour to get to Virginia Beach.  I hated that drive.  I think that is what set Gabe off for his horrible day.  We get to grandmas house and Gabe started screaming.  He screamed for 2 hours while I donated clothes to someone, the shutter guy came to check out the shutters and order new ones and while I painted the ceiling.  I was getting ready to do the cut ins and I got a horrible headache.  I said forget it we are going.  The whole time he was screaming that he wanted to go home.  I told him that we were leaving.  He said and I quote "Good I will be in the van" and he walked out the door.  I could not believe that.  I have no idea what was going on with him.  So we went to Kmart because there is a gun safe there that Kal wants.  The store is going out of business.  And it was like 40% off the other day and it was still over $200.  Today it was $191.  They have no combinations for it and there is no way to get it.  So we are going to go back this weekend because they are all done with the sales on Sunday and closing the doors and I think that he can get it for like $50.  I got a few other un needed things but stuff that I wanted.  The whole time that we were there Gabe was having a fit to.  Telling me that he was ready to leave and go home and "nuggle"  That is what he calls snuggling.  So now my headache is worse and I just want to crawl in a hole.  We get home and he is already asleep.  He fell asleep about 1100 and didn't get up until 230.  So we get the girls and come home and Lilly starts fighting with me.  She was just not happy because I went and bought her shoes in the size that she wears and they are a little too big.  If she wears socks with them they would be fine but Lilly is so picky that was not good enough for her.  I told her that if she was not going to be grateful for the shoes that I would be happy to find another little girl that wears a size 1 shoe that would be happy to have the Camp Rock shoes.  She stomped, screamed, growled and through her arms up in the air at me.  She had a total melt down.  I told her that was not ok and that she needed to go and do her homework.  She then thought that it would be a good idea to take something off her desk and throw it on the floor.  I told her to pick it up and she did and then threw it in her room and stomped back to her desk.  Looked and me and growled again.  That is when she got a pop on her butt.  She needed to get back in line and stop disrespecting her mother.  She did her homework with no issues.  Then she went over to the shoes, put them on and said sorry and thank you.  Then this evening I realized that I had a few things to finish sewing.  I have no bobbins!  Kal went to the store to get some.  He returns and I finish hemming a dress.  Then I go to do this embriordery and I can not find the material.  I FINALLY find it after about an hour and a half.  I start it and the stupid machine just breaks.  I rarely use it anymore because I feel like I have no time.  So now I am pissed and I just wanna cry.  I told my friend that I would have this in the morning and there is no way that is going to get done now.  I worked on it for over 30 minutes and I just can not plug anymore into it tonight.  The wedding that this was for is on Saturday and I am not sure that it is going to get done.  I feel so bad about it.  I just do not even know what to do.  So that is where I am at right now.  It was a bad day for Becca today!

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