1. I think that it is completely dumb to have a blog where you write that you think that your husband is cheating on you, yet you do nothing to find out if it is true. All you do is complain. I know that my husband is not cheating on me I know that if I thought that he was, I WOULD FIND OUT. Venting about it is not going to do anything.
2. Why would someone want to continue to have a relationship with someone that only ever yells at you and your children. Is that really the message that you want to give them? That it is alright for the man of the house to scream about everything. Seems fairly childish to me.
3. I really hope that the money will be here to go on vacation this summer. I really miss my family. I talk to some of them regularly and others not so much. I really miss them. BUT with that being said I guess I do not miss them enough because I am not moving back to Minnesota.
4. I think that I want to get the book "The Love Dare" just for fun. Kal and I have a great marriage but I think that if we had somethings written out for us that we would be doing so many things blind. Marriage is work and I am grateful to have that job.
5. God is awesome.
6. I made a post today on a Christian Parenting board for the 1st time. I was amazed at how much I opened up and as I was typing I realized something. I am addicted to God.
7. I love coffee in the afternoon. I made some and I am really glad that I did. I was going to take a nap but I decided that might not be a good idea since I am trying to get the girls to clean their room. What would mommy be setting for an example if she was lazy and took a nap. I think that I will just go to bed early.
8. I have no idea what is for dinner.
9. Kal and I talked last night about how great it will be to get Sadie away from everything here this summer.
10. I started writing my letter to the school board last night and got 6 pages written and decided that I am not sure what I should and should not write.
11. I finally started telling my friends about my blog so I hope to have some followers soon. (Yes Deb you are the first BUT you also do not really have a name and no picture yet)
12. I miss my dad.
13. 2 nights ago I asked my dad to tell my children "The Windego" story that he told me when I was young. They really enjoyed that but it made me realize that my dad is so awesome and I miss him even more.
14. I am blessed that I have great friends these days. I really think that all the friends that I have right now are because God sent them to me.
15. I totally can not figure out how to add pictures to my posts. I would have loved to have added some so I think that I am going to figure that out later.
16. Today I made 5 pairs of shorts. 4 for my friends daughter and 1 for Lilly. I had Sadie try them on 1st and she hated them. Lilly always loves the things that I make her but Sadie is now too big for that. I think that if I let her pick out the fabric and pattern that she might let me. I have so much fabric and I would much rather make some shorts than buy them. I think that would be like wasting money.
17. I keep having to remind myself that I need to wear my glasses. I spent a lot of money on them and they need to be worn everyday.
18. I was thinking that while I was on vacation this year that I would get a new tattoo. I really want to get my children's names on me and I want them to write it. I guess I should work on Gabriel writing his name. I think that would just be awesome.
19. I can not believe that I was thinking about all this stuff.
20. Coffee is almost gone and I think I have a little more energy so I am going to try to pick up.
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