Friday, May 29, 2009


It is so exciting to have it be Friday today.  This week seemed to be really slow.  And then it was Friday morning.  I am cleaning up the last bit of stuff and then the house is completely done.  Kal is having his random internet people party tomorrow.  He is going to pick up the pig in the morning that someone ordered.  And then there is a bunch of other stuff being brought too.  I might make a salad or cake or both.  Who knows.  I am out of milk and lactaid.  I didn't realize it until I went to make muffins this morning.  I will have Kal get some later.  Gabe and I ate chips together and watched Meet the Robinson's.  That is a cute movie.  Oh well back to cleaning.  I will leave you with pictures of what I call the Fun Bus and Friends.  We went to the Founder's Day Parade in Holland a few weeks ago and I saw this and thought it was great!  For some reason they uploaded backwards and it came down the road in the opposite order!

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Wednesday Whines

Well not really whines but it rhymed so that is why that is the title.  Things are always crazy in my house.  Not really sure why but they are.  Maybe it has to do with the fact that I have 3 children who like to get on each others nerves first thing in the morning.  All they do is fight.  And whine and cry and complain and just plain be pains in my butt!  
Last night Kal and I sat on the living room floor and folded laundry as we watched Wild Hogs and Without a Trace.  It took forever but all the laundry that is clean is folded.  Now to just put it away.  I was going to have the girls do theirs this morning but we all woke up late so there was no time and I am not going to just let it sit here until this afternoon because then I can get nothing else done...although I could just start in another area and make that my afternoon cleaning.  Ok so that is my new plan.  Thought up as I was blogging!
The girls have dance practice tonight.  And Gabe has his "daddy date night" as he calls it.  Kal picks him up at church and they just come home and hang out.  He enjoys it.
So that is about it.  I need to get to work and I can smell the coffee calling me so I will end with some pictures of the kids!!!!

Gabriel and Daddy...So Sweet

Gabriel and his "Gur-aff"

Sadie trying so hard to hug the "Century Plant".  Look it up, they are so neat and TALL!

Lilly and the Yellow Rose.  Sounds like the title to a book!

Lilly, Gabriel and Sadie right outside of the Norfolk Botanical Gardens.  What a fun day!

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Don't know what to write about

I have been feeling a little blah like lately.  I am tired, cranky and all around in a bad mood.  Kal got home today.  He cooked burgers on the grill and we had baked beans.  Lilly is the only one who actually finished their food.  Sadie and Gabe just picked at it.  I am not really in the mood to hear about how hungry they are later because they chose not to eat what they were given.  I hate that.  I am not really big into making crazy foods.  They are just normal but for some reason someone always has to complain about it.  Oh well I am just going to keep doing what I want and they can get over it.
I have over half of the living room clean.  It was even a bigger mess than I thought that it was.  As I have been cleaning I have been throwing things away.  I seriously found a thing for a fund raiser that the girls did like 3 years ago.  I have a bad habit of sticking things in a tub, putting the lid on it and sticking it in the corner to never think about it again.  I have finally cleaned out the tubs that were in the living room.  Now I have the ones in my bedroom and in the bathroom and in the laundry room and then everything will be clean and put away.
I am really disappointed in the girls right now too.  I asked them to clean their room so that I could put the bunk beds together.  Well finally they somewhat cleaned it.  I wanted to also put their desks in their room because it was very annoying to have all their stuff in the living room and then everything had to come to a stop when they were doing homework because they will not work if the TV, radio or computer is on.  I figured that if they are in their room than everything that belongs to them will also stay in their room.  They did not clean it.  I did with Kal's help.  He told them that everything that was left on the floor after 7pm was garbage and let me tell you that they did not think that he was serious.  They have been good about the last week since that happened and have kept their room ok.  Last night I heard a noise and went in the bedroom to fond both of the girls sleeping under their desks.  Their room was a GIANT mess and I was annoyed.  I told them that I would not be signing the permission slips for the parties at school unless the room was cleaned tonight.  It is 730 right now and they are not done.  Do I feel bad that they might not be able to attend...sure but is it the right thing to do???  I think so.  I have been asking them since 330pm to clean it and they have decided not to.  So I have decided not to sign the slips.
Well I am exhausted so I think that I am going to sit down and crochet a little.  I got 1 of 12 blocks done for a friends wedding blanket done and I want to work on it some more.  Kal went to go get gas for the lawn mower so that I can do that tomorrow.  It needs to be mowed and it is supposed to rain all weekend.  Kal needs to weed eat it too.

Monday, May 18, 2009

Sitting at my lonesome....

So once again Kal is at his mom's house for the night.  I have no idea really what he is working on by he sounded tired and a little irritated when I talked to him.  Oh well such is life.  Soon her house will be ready to put on the market and we can forget all about it.  I am really glad that we have  been able to help her and I think that it shocks her that we are so willing.  It just makes me remember what kind of people we were before we found God.  We were bitter and self-serving and all about ourselves.  I would have never taken a weekend and helped her...let alone almost every weekend for the last 6 months.  So I guess that the change in all of us is a good thing.
I fought with with the kids like crazy to go to bed.  Finally when I thought they were there my neighbor came over to see if Kal and his guns were home.  There were 2 stray pit bulls in the yard.  One older male and a baby female.  Nope he was not home so they called animal control but they were not open.  Seriously people...if a dog is attacking me I really do not care what your "normal" office hours are...animal control should be open 24 hours.  Anyway.  The police came and he ended up leaving with the 2 dogs in the back of his car.  That is sad.  
I got back in the house and Sadie was still awake.  I guess she wanted to tell me something about her day but it was after 830pm and I really wasn't into her trying to do anything to not go to bed.  She was sent to bed at 630 because she hit Lilly in the head.  She will do anything to not have to sleep.
Yet again today I ate an entire box of Pim's.  I love those cookies.  They are the best.  I had a cheese stick, some fruit, a big piece of cake and a bowl of cereal.  And coffee.  Lots of coffee.  It was a big snack day today. 
I am very excited to go home this summer.  I really hope that everything works out and we can.  I am a little worried that things are going to fall through at the last minute and we are not going to be able to.  I miss my family like crazy and I know that they miss the kids too.  This is also going to be the 1st time in a while that all the kids are together, 4 years actually this May, not since Dell and Mara's wedding.  They have had 2 children since then.  Shannon is only going to be around for about a week but I think that we can all get a long in order to have a nice visit.
Well I rambled a lot.  I am really bored.  I thought about picking up the house some more but then I decided against it because I am hoping that I can get motivated to do it tomorrow.  I have no plans tomorrow yet and I would like to at least get the living room done.  That would be nice...and the MOUNTAIN of laundry.  I really hate laundry.  I wish that we could all just wear dirty clothes.....OK no I don't....that would just be funky!

Friday, May 15, 2009


The girls are starting at their new school tomorrow!  I am so excited for them to be in a better school.  Kal and I talked about it before the meeting and we were prepared to withdraw them from school completely if they were going to turn their backs to what was going on.  
The girls friends came over to play and have dinner tonight.  I got to talk to their mom and dad about what went on because they were worried about why the girl hadn't been in school in a week.  They had no idea that it was that bad for Sadie.  Now they do and they are going to be keeping a closer eye on the things that happen with their children too.
That is all for tonight as I am tired and I am going to have to start leaving a little earlier in the morning because the school is a little farther away.
Thank you to all of those that were thinking of us and saying a prayer.  It is truly appreciated and helped out!

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

No school this week for the girls

So on Thursday Sadie had yet another thing said to her at school.  Some kids in her class made a club and then said "no white people allowed" and then someone called her "color-struck".  So that is what I have been dealing with.  I am really trying to get things cleaned today so I am not going to blog much but I thought that my "followers" (woohoo I am so happy about that and feel free to comment) would like to read my letter to the school board.  So here it is.  Let me know what you think if you want!

To whom it may Concern:

          We are writing this letter requesting that our children be rezoned.  We are currently zoned for Booker T. Washington Elementary School.  We moved to Suffolk during the 2006-2007 school year.  Since the very beginning we have had serious issues with the lack of appropriate disciplinary actions enforced by the administration.

          One of the biggest things that we pride ourselves on is the innocence we allow our children to have.  We do not feel that they need to know about the “evil” in this world.  Until this year we felt as if telling them about 9/11, Columbine, Virginia Tech, the Oklahoma Bombing and other events of that nature would destroy what we have worked so hard for.  With other children knowing about these things we felt that we needed to tell them so that they got the correct information about what happened.  In doing this, some of that innocence went away.  They still believe in the Easter bunny, Santa, and the Tooth Fairy.  We know that you only get one childhood and we do not want our children to miss out on anything.  We do not want them to grow up too fast like a lot of children we see today.

          We attend church regularly and strive to teach our children to live a Christ like life the way that God wants them to.  They participate in quite a few church activities which include the praise dance team and plays.    

          Our oldest daughter, Sadie, is in the 3rd grade.  She has a rare fluoride allergy that causes her to have seizures if she has too much fluoride in her system.  Toothpaste and water are the most common things that have fluoride in them but there are so many other foods that she cannot have.  We have always made sure that Sadie does not feel different or bad because of her allergy.  She chooses to eat school lunch even though there are days that she is not eating the same things as the other students.  There are students in her class that have been known to give her things that she is not allowed to have.  Sadie is still at that age where she doesn’t fully understand what could happen if she eats chicken when she is not supposed to.  She only knows that she loves chicken and if she can “sneak” it, she will.  There are other days when some children will taunt her with the food that she cannot have until the point that she cries about it.  Sadie is also a very petite child.  She is under 50lbs, under 4 ½ feet tall and she will be 10 in June.  She is constantly teased about that.

          In January 2009 Sadie told us that another child called her a “stupid white chick”.  We explained to her that she was not stupid, that sometimes other children tease because they feel bad about themselves.  We told her that sometimes kids tease because they are teased.  These children were still continuing to use these same types of comments towards her. 

In March we set Sadie up with a counseling session with our Pastor.  She seemed to be so upset and troubled by something that she wasn’t sharing with us.  During that session we learned so much about what was going on at school.  These types of comments were still being said to her but they were also much worse than what we thought.  She has been called a “stupid white chick”, a “dumb white girl” and a “fu**ing bi**h”.  She informed us about a student that threatened the teacher one day.  Sadie went to tell her about what this other child said and this child stopped her.  This child then proceeded to “squish” Sadie’s head.  Another student stepped in and stopped her and she was able to tell the teacher about what happened.  We are not entirely sure about what happened after that but we do know that this all ended with Sadie in the hall with this child and this child’s parents.  She had to explain to them about what happened.  We were never informed about this by the school and our permission was never given for Sadie to talk to these other parents.  This is highly disturbing to us.  In general we thought that when there was an incident between students that the other children that were involved were not named to the parents.  It was simply put as “another child”.

Sadie was also recently told that the reason why her head itched was because “all white people have fleas”.  Sadie has stopped telling anyone at the school about things that are being said and done to her.  We told her that she still needs to tell and she said back to us “What is the point, they will not do anything”.

Our other daughter, Lilly, is in 2nd grade.  She has only had one thing said to her.  She came home crying when a child in her class said “Lilly and Katie are so white that they should go live in Whiteville”.  The same child then looked at Katie, who was a new student and said “Katie why did you even come here, you should go back to Whiteville’.

          At the time that this happened there was a substitute teacher in the class.  She only had this child “move his clip for talking”.  Nothing was said about how his comments were racist and unacceptable.  When we informed her regular teacher about what had happened the next day she was visibly upset.  Lilly came home that afternoon and told us that she had given a talk about diversity and differences in all people.  We were pleased with that but it is something that should have been handled that day when it happened.

There are many other incidents that have occurred in this school since our children have been attending.  When we have spoken to the principal about things that have happened in the past, she has not been receptive to our concerns.  Mrs. Montgomery has called me (Rebecca) a “liar” to my face as well as did nothing when we told her that one of our daughters teachers told her to “shut up” last year.  We were told “she is the best teacher that we have”.  During that conversation it was said that the schools was “hers” and that any issues we have must be addressed with her and no one else.  She also said the assistant principal could not handle our concerns.  We were told that “the school was not responsible to make sure that our daughter was not eating things that she was not allowed to have” and in the same conversation we were told that “while our children were in the school that she was their parent”.   With this situation we feel that it is on a completely different level than what else has happened and we would like this dealt with by someone who is going to be receptive to our concerns.

We believe that our children would benefit by attending a more racially diverse school.   Booker T. Washington is not diverse.  Under these circumstances we have an issue with the diversity at this school.   We are a Native American family and know all too well what happens when you are singled out.  Our children are being racially attacked and there is nothing being done about it.  Everything that has been brought up in this letter has at the very least been brought to the attention of a teacher that, in doing their job, should be able to handle it in a proper manner.  We need to do something about this before the next school year.  We are not thinking that all of the teasing and bullying is going to stop just because we move schools.  We know that this happens every day at every school, but we believe that if our children were going to a more diverse school that they will not be racially attacked the way that they have been.  We believe that it will be beneficial to our children to leave Booker T. Washington.

We were under the impression that Suffolk Public Schools has a zero tolerance bullying policy.  Upon rereading the student handbook for the 2008-2009 school year, we found the information about this policy.  As you are well aware it states:  “Bullying is repeated negative behaviors intended to frighten or cause harm that include, but are not limited to, verbal or written threats or physical harm. Students, either individually or as part of a group, shall not harass or bully others. The following conduction is illustrative of bullying: physical intimidation, taunting, name calling, and insults; comments regarding race, gender, religion, physical abilities or characteristics of associates of the targeted person; and falsifying statements about other persons”. 


We feel as if what these students are doing to our children is completely going against this policy.  We are not saying that our children are perfect; we know that they are not.  They are children.  We have watched in horror as our once loving and kind daughter started to develop a hate in her heart.  Her self-esteem is just about nonexistent when at the beginning of the year it was so high.  We have notice that she has developed a horrible body image where before she loved herself and her petite stature.  She now believes that she is just “stupid and white” even though we are constantly telling her that is untrue. We can build our children up and it becomes futile when these students continue to tear them down.  We will not allow our children to become racists.  That is not the way that we are raising our children but is the fear that we have, if they continue to attend this school.

We have a son who we would like to attend the 4 year old program in the fall and as much as we feel he needs to go, we will not subject him to the racial attacks that our daughters are receiving. 

After doing our research on the internet and talking to other parents who have children that attend this school, we would like for them to attend Kilby Shores Elementary School.  This school seems to be more diverse.  This school also has a 4 year old program, which we would like our son to be able to participate in.  Transportation to and from school is not an issue.  We live down a mile long private dirt road and we are not allowed to have bus pick up now and we have been driving them to and from school since we moved here.  We understand that we would need to continue to do this if they are allowed to transfer schools.

          We thank you in advance for your prompt attention with this matter.  We look forward to hearing from you very soon.  If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact either one of us at anytime.  We are anxious to have this dealt with.   

Monday, May 11, 2009

Wonderful Mothers Day

I had the best Mothers Day ever.  We got up in the morning.  Kal made me coffee.  That was great to not have to do that.  We all got ready for church.  Church was wonderful.  I actually got a present for being the youngest mother.  It was a daily calender thing that has 12 great women of the Bible.  I am going to put it on my computer.  The kids made me cards and Gabe made me a wonderful necklace.   We came home and Kal made me lunch.  I ate it in bed.  And I stayed there all day.  Kal changed the oil in both vehicles, fixed the lawn mower, mowed the lawn and kept the kids outside.  They had a great day and I took a nap.  Kal brought me dinner and I just stayed in bed.  It was a WONDERFUL day.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

A little bit of depression

Over the last week or so I realized that I have a bit of depression going on.  I am not entirely sure why but I know that it is there.  I have not properly cleaned my house since November.  I have lacked on making the kids do it.  I am WAY behind on my laundry.  I guess it just all came to head today.  My friend that used to live here and moved away came for a visit.  I was actually embarrassed by my house.  I explained to her that I have been depressed for a while now and it all started right before Kal's surgery.  I realized that I could possibly lose my husband.  He could die.  I was so scared and I never let on to that.  I put on the fake front ever...and if you know know that is not how I am.  I am usually a wear it right out there in front of everyone and hold nothing back.  With the spinal fusion that Kal was about to have, for whatever reason, I was so scared inside but I didn't let anyone know.  I held it all inside.  I kept that all to myself.  After the surgery and I knew that he was going to be ok, I am not sure what I felt.  I had been taking care of him for so long.  I had been doing so much.  I almost felt like once he got better that he wasn't going to need me anymore.  I thought that he was going to get this new found energy and realize that he no longer wanted to be with someone that would hold him back.  I should not say almost felt because that is how I felt.  Now I am realizing that he is not going to leave me.  That I am the one that he wants.  It is still hard.  I cleaned a little today.  I am home for most of this week and I am planning on cleaning.  I need to do it.  I need to force myself.  I need this place to be clean.  I just really hate doing it when it is this bad.  So wish me luck on getting it all done.  I would love to have everything done tomorrow so that when Kal comes home he is surprised but I am fairly sure that is not going to happen.  There is so much to do around here.

Sunday, May 3, 2009

New Hair Cuts!!!

So these are the new haircuts for the kids.  Gabe just got his Mohawk done by Kal.  Lilly just got a cute layered bob.  And Sadie got long bangs in the front to frame her face and then all of it cut off.  It is about 2 inches.  This picture was taken well after the gel had worn out but it is still cute even when it is not spiky.  She loves it.  I think that it is a very grown girl hair cut.  She looks almost 10.  Lilly just looks like Lilly.  I think that in all the times that she has had her hair cut she still looks like Lilly.  She doesn't seem more grown up to me.  Gabe is back to looking like Gabe.  When his hair is grown out he just don't look the same.  We realized that his poor head was covered in bug bites.  Dang mosquito's are eating my boy's head alive.  So I am going to have to get out the spray.  I think that is about it for now.  I am glad that I figured out the picture thing and I really wanted to show off the new haircuts.  Tomorrow is Prayer Shawl, bank and cleaning.  I know that I will be doing the 1st 2 on the list so lets see if I actually get the last one done.  I did fold some laundry today but I never put it away.  I am going to try not to throw it on the floor when I go to bed because that is where I folded it.  I am going to try to at least put it in a basket.  We will see how tired I am when I get there...  :)

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Very Long Day

I have always been one of those people that doesn't burn.  I will just tan and have a nice tan all summer.  Today, however, put a stop to that.  I got up about 645am to go to church.  We were having our annual Springfest.  It is a yard sale, craft sale, bake sale, plant sale, silent auction, music and food.  It was a hot day.  The sun was just beating down on us.  Normally I would not care.  We were there from about 745am until about 200pm.  In the sun.  So when I got home I realized that I was burnt.  I took a nap for about 3 hours and when I got up it was about time for dinner.  We went to Subway.  That was yummy but the pain in my arms and neck and face made it almost impossible to enjoy.  Then we headed for Wal-mart.  I needed to actually get aloe for myself this year.  That is a first.  And some soap.  I found out that they are no longer carrying the brand that I use.  The only brand that I have been using for about a year because it is the only brand that does not make my eczema worse.  So I am yet again searching for another soap.  I bought some hypo-allergenic stuff and I will see if it works.  It is Olay Body sensitive hypo-allergenic unscented.  We will see how well that works.  Now we are home and the kids are doing the rotating in the shower and then it is my turn.  I am going to cover myself in Aloe when I get out.

AND BIG NEWS:  Sadie was selling these little bracelets that were made and the money was supposed to go to a charity.  Sadie was selling them to put money into her adoption fund.  She now has $30.  On Monday I am going to go open her up a savings account just for that reason.  I was also able to get the names of 2 other attorneys in the area that might do it for cheaper.  So I am going to call them this week too.  VERY EXCITING!!!