Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Wednesday Whines

Well not really whines but it rhymed so that is why that is the title.  Things are always crazy in my house.  Not really sure why but they are.  Maybe it has to do with the fact that I have 3 children who like to get on each others nerves first thing in the morning.  All they do is fight.  And whine and cry and complain and just plain be pains in my butt!  
Last night Kal and I sat on the living room floor and folded laundry as we watched Wild Hogs and Without a Trace.  It took forever but all the laundry that is clean is folded.  Now to just put it away.  I was going to have the girls do theirs this morning but we all woke up late so there was no time and I am not going to just let it sit here until this afternoon because then I can get nothing else done...although I could just start in another area and make that my afternoon cleaning.  Ok so that is my new plan.  Thought up as I was blogging!
The girls have dance practice tonight.  And Gabe has his "daddy date night" as he calls it.  Kal picks him up at church and they just come home and hang out.  He enjoys it.
So that is about it.  I need to get to work and I can smell the coffee calling me so I will end with some pictures of the kids!!!!

Gabriel and Daddy...So Sweet

Gabriel and his "Gur-aff"

Sadie trying so hard to hug the "Century Plant".  Look it up, they are so neat and TALL!

Lilly and the Yellow Rose.  Sounds like the title to a book!

Lilly, Gabriel and Sadie right outside of the Norfolk Botanical Gardens.  What a fun day!

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